Parco Nazionale del Pollino

All T.A.I. member associations/federations,
all member clubs of the T.A.I.
as well as T.A.I. individual members

Maximum number of participants: 350

Registration will be open at December 1st, 2024.
Online: registration link here

Entry fee: Adults/Seniors: 100,00 €
Minors: 70,00 €
Banquet: Adults and Minors 25,00 €

Updated in 14/01/2025

The starter list will be update every 15 days

The entry fee covers the costs for the European Traditional Open, exclusive the participation in the banquet with honoring ceremony. Participants and accompanying persons who would like to take part in the banquet must be registered for the banquet within the registration period and transfer 25 Euros to the specified bank account.

The entry fee must be transferred to the bank account below within 14 days of registration. You will only be included in the starter list after receipt of payment. A refund of the entry fee will only take place in the event of cancellations by May 1st, 2025.

With the registration and payment of the entry fee, you agree to the publication of your full name, the bow class and placing, as well as the publication of image material on the homepage of the, the T.A.I. homepage as well as public media too.

Competition Rules:
The sports regulations of the T.A.I. aplly like Bow Styles, and age divisions.
Competitive rounds: 2 ranges 3-D hunting – 1 range 3-D sports
A range consists prox. 28 3D targets. A different range is absolved every day.

Find your best Accomodation here.

Get the Payment Information paper.